
What Happened to Mollie in Animal Farm

Mollie (a horse)

Do I Look on Fat in These Ribbons?

Mollie is gormless, vain, and materialistic. (It's a favorable thing she's pretty.) From the very kickoff, we get ahead hints that she's not going to last long in the rising: she comes latterly to Old Major's speech, and she "took a place near the front and began flirting her white mane, hoping to draw attending to the colored ribbons it was plaited with" (1.4). The first thing she wants to know is, "Leave there be sugar afterward the rebellion?" (2.3); the second thing she wants to know is whether she'll be allowed to wearable ribbons.

Not that she waits for an answer: after the rebellion, the animals find oneself her in the farmhouse, where "she had interpreted a piece of wild blue yonder ribbon from Mrs. Jones's dressing-table, and was holding information technology against her shoulder and loving herself in the glass in a very unwise manner" (2.18).

When the work begins, Mollie shows up posthumous and leaves precocious. When there's fighting, she hides in her trough. And when life gets hard during the winter, she gets troublesome: "She was late for go every morn and exempt herself by saying that she had overslept, and she complained of secret pains, though her appetite was excellent" (3.1). Clover at length sees Molly letting united of the neighborhood men loved her olfactory organ, and soon after Clover and another animals discover saccharide hidden in Mollie's trough.

At long last, Mollie runs off to be taken care for of past humans—and we say, obedient riddance. (Or we would, if we didn't suspect that we'd closing up doing the exact same thing in her situation. Shmoop looks super pretty in blue ribbons.) When Molly runs off, the narrator notes that "no of the animals ever mentioned Molly again" (5.7). She's nothing but a lamentable memory board—a reminder that not everyone prefers life at Animal Farm.

Mollie and Stalin's Russia

Mollie is symbol for Russian middle class (conservative). They weren't exactly perfidious to the Bolsheviks, but they weren't about to give dormy their iPhones and lattes—oops, we mean sugar and ribbons—even if it was intended to be for their own good in the long run. When the Bolsheviks asked them to give up their luxuries, many of them abandoned the cause and fled to the West.

Of course, in retrospect, Mollie probably had the right idea. If she's leaving to glucinium oppressed no matter what, she power also get some ribbons for it.

What Happened to Mollie in Animal Farm


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